shoutout my iPhone
So, I told you I got a job, but I haven't told you what it is!
Actually, I've never talked much about work at all on the blog; mostly because my last job was primarily strategizing, creating content for, and managing individual clients' social media platforms and marketing campaigns. Can't be givin' away their secrets. (Or givin' away my ideas before they hit the interwebs.)
These days, I'm more free to share what I'm working on; which is good, because A) I'm really excited about it, and B) it deserves to be shared.
For the next year, I'm serving as a missions intern at Kingsland Baptist Church in Katy. The pastor seems a little weird, but other than that, very stoked about the whole thing.
(Side note: I opened with this joke in my introductory meeting with the church's mission board, and no one laughed. I had to just nervous-laugh for myself, and then I hastily followed it up by clarifying that he's my dad, in case maybe people missed that tidbit and thought I was just slamming their pastor; then felt the need to follow that up by also clarifying that I am not into dad-slamming, either, and I was just trying to be humorous, and clearly the Lord was not calling me to stand-up comedy anytime soon, and I spent the remainder of the meeting trying to redeem myself and I really just wish it had never happened, The End.)
I'll be focusing specifically on writing, multimedia and social media projects for Kingsland's missions department and the ministries with which they partner. In my first week alone, I've heard stories I could spend a year on in and of themselves.
A local men's rehabilitation home seeking to innovate and grow on-site business so the residents can afford to support their own recovery. A women's ministry in Kolkata, India, that believes not just in providing for the basic needs of women escaped from sex trafficking; but for those survivors' rights to really dream. Behind-closed-doors-only training and aid for church leaders in hostile Bangladesh, refuges for children in high-crime Cambodia; from Alaska to the Amazon, I've been blown away by the stories I've heard and the people from which I've heard them.
I get the privilege of simply raising my voice for and drawing eyes to them — and, hopefully, equipping them to do so for themselves. Telling a good story well is fun; but telling a good story well that wouldn't otherwise get told is my very favorite.
Excited for a new season.