shoutout my iPhone
Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as it will. — A.W. Tozer
What I'm working on:
Designing the Comforter's Center's materials!
Which is super fun, except so far, everything I've designed, I've hated!
But it all has to be done by the end of next week, basically!
So I'll let you know how that goes!
Let's talk about something else.
Randoms for your weekend:
- Over the last few days of 2016 and first few days of 2017, I took Seth Godin's Freelancer Course on Udemy. I have an Evernote a mile long of course notes — it provided so much rich, practical information and gave me so many ideas — including some I'll be implementing on this site. Definitely, definitely worth the money. (Not familiar with Seth Godin? Subscribe to his blog.)
- Also filed under "things I had time to do over Christmas/New Year's" — I watched Meru, a documentary about Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, and Renan Ozturk's 2011 first ascent of the mountain by the same name. As a bonus for fellow nerds, the website is among the most gorgeous I've ever seen, the marketing for the film was really interesting to go back and explore, and it was co-directed and produced by Chin's wife Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, which is just #relationshipgoals.
- Speaking of documentaries, my dad stumbled across Titletown Texas, a series the Fort Worth Star-Telegram produced about Aledo High School's 2016 varsity football team and season. If you're Texan, it will get you in your feelings. Same to any Friday Night Lights fans out there. Also, shoutout the Fort Worth Star-Telegram with the high-quality multimedia content in an evolving newspaper market! Proud of u.
- Old but good — I've had this Bill Simmons versus Malcolm Gladwell piece on the future of football bookmarked forever, and finally read it. Nothing we haven't all heard before in it, really, but it'll make you think.
- One of my favorite parts of every new year is reading last year's Pulitzer Prize winners — especially Feature Writing. If I could put that glasses/nerd emoji right here, I would.
Great news — I finally got around to implementing email subscriptions around here. Scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up. I promise I won't send you any spam or annoying chain emails. Remember those? Yeah.