Internet Fun! Quarantine(?) Edition 3
You will notice I have placed a “(?)” after the word quarantine in the title of this post, because it appears that we — at least here in Texas — are no longer technically in quarantine, but something else, which no one really understands or completely knows the rules of, but still feels a lot better than quarantine, in my opinion, except for the vague uncertainty part.
However! I’m definitely still home enough that I’m mostly entertaining myself, so without further adieu, here is my read/watch/listen list, part three, for THESE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES. I have kindly divided the list into two parts — all links that are climbing-related are at the top, in the first section, and everything not-climbing-related is in the second section, so those of you who don’t care about climbing can just skip on down and stop being disappointed that everything I provide you to click on is about climbing.
I’ve been waiting what feels like a very long time to watch Pretty Strong, and one of the few bright spots of all of this pandemic business was my secret hope that they would release it for online streaming sooner than originally planned. And they did. And I immediately rented it. And I watched it three times in the 24-hour rental period.
Speaking of climbing films, Power Company tossed a “quarantine watchlist” post on their blog, and I’ve been slowly combing through those, as well. (Thanks, Nate Drolet!)
Speaking of speaking of climbing films, Dru Mack also posted a quarantine watchlist; but his is exclusively of Red River Gorge climbing videos, and I have also watched all of those.
This is one of those links that I actually saved a while back to share on here at some point and totally forgot about; but the American Alpine Club celebrated an important milestone in the organization’s history by gathering member stories from across major climbing areas in the United States. (While you’re there, check out the map print Sarah Uhl created for the same campaign! I donated in exchange for one and have it in my room.)
This isn’t exactly climbing-related, though Beth Rodden is a climber; but this piece she wrote for Outside Magazine on disordered eating/body image is worthy of a standing ovation. Brave and articulate. We need more people speaking up like this!
And with that little bridge article, I give you… the non-climbing items on this list:
Another link I stashed a while back and forgot to ever share — The Disposables by the Washington Post was a brilliant project idea and so much fun to click through.
THIS PODCAST EPISODE IS CRAZY. (Also, a great show in general!)
“This poem is called ‘First lines of emails I’ve received while quarantining.’”
Bon Apetit videos are always important. But they have never been more important to me than now.
It’s been a while since I listened to Longform Podcast, but this episode with Eva Holland was really good and practical. Hearing her freelance process (and financial situation) discussed so openly was really helpful for me — not encouraging, necessarily, but definitely helpful. Also should be required listening for anyone who has ever asked any writer/photographer/videographer why they’re not freelancing for <insert publication of choice here> and just cannot seem to believe that it’s actually that difficult to get published. (Also, if you’re asking freelancers this question and are not in the publishing industry yourself… please stop.)
This is a very sad but beautifully written article from the owner of Prune, a renowned NYC restaurant, on the realities of having to close her doors in the pandemic and what comes next.
If you’re not watching The Last Dance, I don’t know how to help you.
And last but not least, here is a poem from Wendell Berry that is keeping me going these days.