

Welcome to Ryley Writes, a collection of thoughts, stories, and work from deep in the heart of Texas.

The Stack: Spring '17

The Stack: Spring '17

I am fresh out of book photos so please accept this flower instead.

I am fresh out of book photos so please accept this flower instead.

Theology, fiction, and two memoirs. It's a short list this quarter, but a well-rounded one. Here's what I've been reading lately — let me know what books you're loving, too!

The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard. Right-off-the-bat confession — I'm not yet done with this book, and I blame it for my only getting through four books in the past few months. This book is thick, and dense, and rich. It is the scholarly version of my soapbox about God and his plans being better — truly, presently — than anything. The writing itself is pretty academic, but what the writing is about is beautiful. It is so good. Not surprising, of course, considering who wrote it; but it's definitely confirmed deep convictions I'd tasted in my own experience and taught me so much quality theology behind them. Excited to keep plugging through it.

Perelandra, C.S. Lewis. The second book in the space trilogy did not disappoint.

At Home in the World, Tsh Oxenreider. A memoir about a 9-month round-the-world trip the author and her husband took with their three kids in tow. I inhaled this book, y'all. It took me less than 48 hours to read, and by the end of it, I had added pretty much everywhere she and her family went to my incomplete list of Places I Want to Go. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, I loved Oxenreider's ongoing exploration of the tension between loving travel and loving home — and finding a resting place within that. If you're anything like me, it will be super relatable and comforting. Can't recommend enough!

Chasing Slow, Erin Loechner. I picked this book up mostly because it was really pretty, if we're being honest. (Not a surprise, considering the author is the creative behind Design For Mankind.) However, even if it's a touch flowery for my usual taste, the writing actually far exceeded my expectations and was chock-full of wisdom that felt perfectly timed for my stage of life. For anyone who has ever struggled with finding the balance that is enough, I say give it a read. (And then keep it out on your coffee table or something! Win-win.)



High-Five Friday: June 2

High-Five Friday: June 2

Big Picture

Big Picture