10 Things I'm Loving Lately | Jan '18
Remember this post? It was fun, and I figured since I'm a little short on time this week (obviously, since it's now Saturday and I've yet to write a word) I'd just do it again.
Without further ado,
The YETI Presents series is one of the best examples of great content marketing, ever. These mini-docs are well-crafted, tell great stories, and honestly, don’t even try to sell me products (though — fellow marketers, take note — I am absolutely brand-loyal to them at this point). I tend to watch a few at a time while I’m eating dinner and haven’t disliked one yet.
I’ve never felt my old Bean boots really had a place in Texas. They’re so tough and East Coast, and our winters are so... not. They’ve been sitting in a closet in my parents’ house since college, looking like a couple of lonely old friends, and I finally snagged them on my way out a few weekends back and am utterly in love once again. They’re comfy, durable, and classic. Best 99 bucks I've ever spent (though apparently the price has since increased), and I plan on keeping them in the rotation once and for all.
I don't know if it matches the weather or just my mood, but I've had Davis in my earbuds at work constantly for the last few weeks. I listen to Waterston and I'm like, man, I feel cooler than I actually am. Bonus fun fact: the pipes belong to my friend Sara Regan, who is just one of the best humans. How I have the pleasure of knowing so many talented people, I don't even know; but go give it a listen and bless yourself.
I bought this Shinola notebook a few months back with the intent of dedicating it to more personal writing projects. Convinced it's the perfect notebook — big, hardback, graph paper pages, lays perfectly flat — and pumped for the project ideas it currently holds. Making a few of them a reality as we speak, and can't wait to share more on here!
Venison everything. I shot my first deer over Christmas break, and got the meat back from processing last weekend. Did you know how much meat one deer provides? It's a lot. I'm one batch of chili in, and planning on soup and spaghetti sauce next. By the time I reach the end of it, I seriously doubt this will be something I'm loving lately. But for now, I'm grateful to feel equal parts pride and reverence while eating — not typically emotions I associate with dinner.
Branching out at work. While social media is still by far and large the bulk of my responsibility at RightNow, since returning from Christmas "break" (can I still call it that?), needs for copywriting and PR have popped up that I've had the opportunity to handle or help out with. It's been fun to shake things up a little and expand my normal routine.
Speaking of RightNow, my coworkers dragged me to the new Star Wars movie, ending a 24-year streak of not seeing any Star Wars movies. Good news: I loved it. Bad news: I loved it. There's nothing special about me anymore.
Out of sheer laziness, I'm sure, I curled my eyelashes but skipped mascara one day in the recent past. And it turns out, I like my face like that! I never change my makeup — and barely do it to begin with — so it may be that it's just something different, but I feel like it suits me better somehow? It makes the rest of my face look more done and less like I'm trying to compensate with my eyelashes. Do other people do this? I don't know. I'm a beauty blogger now though. See y'all on YouTube!!!!!
Being more like my mom. I'm wired so much like my dad (and look so much like him), that I feel like others often overlook the Lana in me. The older I get, though, the more obvious her influence becomes. She embodies so much of what I hope my life to be, and I'm grateful for it.
Following the making of The River and the Wall on Instagram (and Texas Monthly, as of this week!). Can't wait for this film to come out, and love getting to see the ins and outs of its creation process.
Your turn — what are you loving lately? Let me know!