I've never been a word of the year person. But this year I have one. And it's little.
No, like the word is "little." That's the word.
Maybe that sounds anticlimactic. In a way, I guess you're right. But those who know me best know that for me, little is big.
This year, I don't have any crazy big trips on my calendar. I'm not moving anywhere, for once. I'm not doing anything super out of the ordinary. I'm living in McKinney and doing my job and going to my church. I have more than a few things I'm looking forward to, for sure, but for the most part, this is it. It's going to be vey normal.
And for once, I'm kind of... eager for that.
Instead of getting cagey, wanting to pick up and leave, feeling sure I'm missing out on some exciting life somewhere else, I want to spend this year pouring all the enthusiasm and ambition I have for big into the small. I want to dig into my everyday life, because it's good.
Instead of wishing I was somewhere else, doing other things, I want to focus in on where I am and the opportunities right in front of me. And I want to walk steps forward in the belief I proclaim: That if you live within God's will to the fullest degree you know — if you're in Scripture and prayer and body-of-Christ community and truly, practically aligning your life and actions accordingly — abundance follows.
"For who despises the day of small things?"* Um, yes, that would be me, for the majority of my recent years.
But I don't want to waste more time on discontentment. I want to do my life and do it well.
It doesn't mean I'm planning to bring my life to a halt where it is, in this season, and set up camp forever. Things will shift and change like they always do. I just want to make sure that the shifting and changing is initiated by God, not me; and that I don't miss out on good in the meantime because I'm too busy trying to move on my own.
I want to worship at my church on Sundays and build relationships in my small group on Thursdays. I want to market RightNow Media with all the creativity and attention to detail I can muster. I want to actually write some things I've been postponing because I was too busy chasing other things. I want to take care of my little apartment and save money and cook my dinners and do all those little things that are boring but allow the margin and stability for fun and generosity.
I want to love my people big. I want to love God bigger.
And so my word is little.
And I'm more than a little okay with it.
*Zechariah 4:10a